- Reporting of Covid-19 RT PCR, Molecular Biology and Antigen tests.
- Precautions and storage of infected biological samples (Sputum, urine, blood tissue)
- AFB/Gram Stain/KOH, Routine cultures
- Biochemical techniques for Pathogen identification and drug sensitivity tests.
- Safe discarding of microbiological specimens and wastes of PCR.
- Molecular biology and biosafety guidelines, Biosafety Management.
- Prevention and importance of hand washing, good hygiene, and infection control.
- Biomedical waste management, Weekly classes of technical staff.
- Daily control, quality control monitoring of biochemistry, Immunology and ELISA.
- Handling, processing, maintenance and reporting of biochemistry, Immunology and ELISA
- Knowledge of PCR, sample processing and master mix preparation.
- Knowledge of documentation and preparation of reports along with troubleshooting abilities
- To prepare Lab for NABL accreditation and documentation.